Animesh Karnewar
Start Date : 01 Feb 2021
I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. @Smart Geometry Group, UCL, as a Marie Curie Fellow (ESR) under the PRIME-ITN. I have previously worked as an R&D Engineer @TomTom (Amsterdam). My academic background (Bachelors) is in Computer Science.
My topic of research is “Controllable generative adversarial networks (GANs) for 3D asset creation” under the primary supervision of Prof. Niloy J. Mitra.
I have experience of working in Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Generative Modelling. My current interests include 3D Generative Modelling, Computer Graphics and Geometric Deep Learning.
GitHub handle: https://github.com/akanimax | Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=up0PbDUAAAAJ&hl=ens
personal website: https://akanimax.github.io