Bojja Venu
Start Date : 01 Nov 2021
Hi, my name is Bojja Venu and I am from India. I am currently pursuing my phd at Visual Computing section, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark(DTU). I am a Marie Curie Fellow (ESR 09) in the PRIME-ITN.
I received my bachelor’s degree(B.Sc) from Kakatiya University, India, and I had my two master degrees MCA and M.Tech in computer science from University of Hyderabad(UoH), India.
My areas of interest are Computer Graphics, Color Image Processing, Color Science, and Computer Vision.
My research topic is ” Modelling and Predictive Rendering of Materials Using Microgeometry” under the supervision of Frisvad, Jeppe Revall and Bærentzen, Jakob Andreas.