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ReLU Fields: The Little Non-linearity That Could

Animesh Karnewar, Tobias Ritschel, Oliver Wang, Niloy J. Mitra Siggraph 2022 Abstract In many recent works, multi-layer perceptions (MLPs) have been shown to be suitable for modeling complex spatially-varying functions including images and 3D scenes. Although the MLPs are able …

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Affordable Spectral Measurements of Translucent Materials

Tomáš Iser, Tobias Rittig, Emilie Nogué, Thomas Nindel, Alexander Wilkie Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) Abstract We present a spectral measurement approach for the bulk optical properties of translucent materials using only low-cost components. We focus on the translucent inks …

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Polarization-imaging Surface Reflectometry using Near-field Display

Emilie Nogué, Yiming Lin, Abhijeet Ghosh July 2022 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) Abstract We present a practical method for measurement of spatially varying isotropic surface reflectance of planar samples using a combination of single-view polarization imaging and near-field display …

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Progressive Denoising of Monte Carlo Rendered Images

Arthur Firmino, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Henrik Wann Jensen Computer Graphics Forum Abstract Image denoising based on deep learning has become a powerful tool to accelerate Monte Carlo rendering. Deep learning techniques can produce smooth images using a low sample count. …

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Moment-based Constrained Spectral Uplifting

Lucia Tódová, Alexander Wilkie, Luca Fascione June 2021 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) Abstract We propose a technique to efficiently importance sample and store fluorescent spectral data. Fluorescence behaviour is properly represented as a re-radiation matrix: for a given input …

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A Compact Representation for Fluorescent Spectral Data

Qingqin Hua, Alban Fichet, Alexander Wilkie June 2021 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) Abstract We propose a technique to efficiently importance sample and store fluorescent spectral data. Fluorescence behaviour is properly represented as a re-radiation matrix: for a given input …