For this reading group session 18th October, 2022, we would like to discuss about applications of spectral rendering. In particular, wave optics effects such as Iridescence, Fluorescence and Diffraction. Below you can find the agenda and the particular papers we are going to discuss:Agenda: A Practical Extension to Microfacet Theory for the Modeling of Varying Iridescence (10:00-10:20)A General Framework for Pearlescent Materials (10:20-10:40)Fluorescence (10:40-11:00):Storage: A Compact Representation for Fluorescent Spectral DataMeasurements: Simultaneous Surface Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectra EstimationFor this session, Phillippe Weier and Lo\xc3\xafc Lachiver are going to lead the discussion. Lucky enough, we will have three of the main authors of the above papers: Laurent Belcour, Ibon Guillen, Qingqin Hua, Alban Fichet.
PRIME Reading Group: Spectral Rendering Block
Start Time
1:00 pm
October 18, 2022
Finish Time
1:30 pm
October 18, 2022