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Moment-based Constrained Spectral Uplifting

Lucia Tódová, Alexander Wilkie, Luca Fascione June 2021 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) Abstract We propose a technique to efficiently importance sample and store fluorescent spectral data. Fluorescence behaviour is properly represented as a re-radiation matrix: for a given input …

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A Compact Representation for Fluorescent Spectral Data

Qingqin Hua, Alban Fichet, Alexander Wilkie June 2021 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) Abstract We propose a technique to efficiently importance sample and store fluorescent spectral data. Fluorescence behaviour is properly represented as a re-radiation matrix: for a given input …

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A Fitted Radiance and Attenuation Model for Realistic Atmospheres

Alexander Wilkie, Petr Vévoda, Lukáš Hošek, Thomas Bashford-Rogers, Tomáš Iser, Monika Kolářová, Tobias Rittig, Jaroslav Křivánek August 2021 Proceedings of SIGGRAPH • ACM Transactions on Graphics Abstract We present a fitted model of sky dome radiance and attenuation for realistic …

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An OpenEXR Layout for Spectral Images

Alban Fichet, Romain Pacanowski, Alexander Wilkie July 2021 Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT) Abstract We propose a standardised layout to organise spectral data stored in OpenEXR images. We motivate why we chose the OpenEXR format as basis for our …